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We’re in the 3rd Trimester!

Well, I just got finished writing thank-you notes for our second baby shower, which took place today. It was so fun and super cute! Our neighbors were kind enough to open their house to many of our friends and Kristina did a great job setting up a Safari themed shower. Check out some of the pictures…
We are so blessed to have so many supportive friends. They loaded us up with so many gifts for Eli including a stash of diapers, wipes, and lotions. We definitely needed the burp cloths (whoops, forgot we needed those), pacifiers, and bottles as well. We’re feeling much more ‘set’ for him now! Oh- I just loved this pillow we got too. So fun! I threw in some pictures of Josh and I just for kicks.
Weekly check in?
Weight gain: I’m only checking every other week or I freak myself out. It does not help that I have been craving super unhealthy food. According to the books I should gain 10 more pounds before Eli makes his arrival.
Eli’s Size: He should be about 2 pounds and about the size of a Rutabaga or Cauliflower
Cravings: Mac N Cheese, Snickers, mmm nachos today especially
Side effects: Seeing stars, hip pain, emotional sensitivity, swelling
Wedding rings on or off? Off, and I am super sad about it! I’m going to shove them back on for our family pictures (they were rescheduled due to rain), but in the battle between my willpower (ah hem, stubbornness) and my swelling, my swelling is winning out.
Most awkward moment? Crying at work for a good 20 minutes, then having people walk on egg shells around me for the next 30 minutes because my eyes were bloodshot. My extremely kind client surprised me with a ton of baby gifts on her last day. It was both nice (how sweet!) and heart-wrenching. I was strongly encouraged to donate all items and I felt that was ethical in one sense (no conflict of interest, boundaries would be firm) but also unethical in a sense (she went out of her way to bless my child and essentially I would have to throw her kindness in the trash). I’ve never had anything like that happen before. We decided to keep the blanket she made and under $10 worth of other goods and donate the rest. I feel okay about it, but still kind of feel like a jerk. I mean, I can’t even send a thank-you note. I really really hope this doesn’t happen again.
Best moment? Seeing Eli move. Seriously. He’s been kicking super hard lately and for 2 days now I’ve seen my belly jumping. Josh can even see it! We recorded some of the action. Josh also spoiled me with some flowers.
What we bought: Another educational/parenting book and new family car sticker from Family Stickers. Right now I have myself and Kito in white and Josh and Optimus in UT orange. Things needed to get fixed for me not to cringe haha. Here’s the final result.
In other news- we finished up the front-yard decorations for Halloween this year. I think it’s my best work yet. Now we wait until Christmas, when Josh will compete with the Griswolds. We have such a creepy pumpkin-man that fell off before the pictures. Whoops.
That’s it for me! I’m going to watch Grey’s Anatomy and maybe find some nachos. Have a great Sunday!


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