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Baby it’s Cold Outside

Happy Sunday!

I hope your weekend is going marvelously. I got a few things done on our to-do list, but I still have a few nagging tasks, like watching The Happiest Baby on the Block and getting some maternity clothes altered. Sadly my maternity jacket came in and it wasn’t even close to fitting. Which, I guess is okay since it wasn’t actually very warm. I’ve got to get that sent out sometime too. I guess it will wait! I, instead, got side-tracked putting recipes into OneNote and making Big Soft Ginger Cookies. Hey, cookies are very important too right?

This week I went to visit the doctor, which went pretty well. I met one of the doctors who might fill in if my doctor is out of town. He was super nice, and I can honestly say I would not be bothered if we had him help us deliver. He did confirm that I’m having Braxton Hick’s (2 yesterday in about 30 minutes). He also said, per my belly measurements, that the baby might be a little late, as he’s measuring a week behind. We’ll see! Josh said he’s going to ask to see him next time, since it’s been a while. I can’t wait! Here’s this week’s check in…

Eli’s Size: He should be at least 3 lbs by now, and about the size of a pineapple
Cravings: Little Caesar's Crazy bread, cheese fondue, macaroni and cheese. Again, I haven’t given in- but…I might just need to go to The Melting Pot this week
Side effects: heartburn, hip pain, Braxton Hicks, Charlie horses, hot flashes haha
Belly button in or out? In! He’s not done yet
Most awkward moment? Getting stuck behind a door at work. I think you’d have to be there to understand.
Best moment? Hmmm, that’s tough. I’ve got so many good moments this week. I had a delicious brunch with a good friend, laughed a ton, had a really cool baby shower (see below), and am planning to go to a cake decorating class-and-a date with Josh tonight. I’m a lucky girl. 
What we bought: Our Christmas cards (featuring Eli). I think that’s it! I’ve got a list of needs, but I’m waiting until after the 17th (our last baby shower). I have, however, bought all the Christmas presents I need to except for Josh’s big gift. Everything else is taken care of. It’s nice to be done!

Other news? We had a really nice baby shower last night with some of our friends. They are so fun! I always laugh so much when I’m around them. They spoiled us with some delicious food, fun decorations, hilarious games (I tied to win the Celebrity Baby Matching game), and really sweet gifts. We were blessed with a huge package of clothing, which baby boy will grow into in no time, and they gifted Eli with other necessities like bath gel, an cute ice pack, snack containers, and socks (I always forget about Eli needing socks!). Our other friends got him this amazingly cool projector and sound system and a pocket nanny, which I think will be super helpful. Optimus was not impressed with the projector, but I really think Eli will LOVE it. Greg took some pictures for us last night. Here’s some of my favorites!
And…a few more of the dĂ©cor
Annnnnd my favorite pic of the night- of Amelia
That’s it for me right now! I hope you enjoy your day.


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